2013年8月23日 星期五


T2 is the "transverse" relaxation time. It is a measure of how long transverse magnetization would last in a perfectly uniform external magnetic field (figure7). Alternatively, it is a measure of how long the resonating protons remain coherent or precess (rotate) "in phase" following a 90° RF pulse. T2 decay is due to magnetic interactions that occur between spinning protons. Unlike T1 interactions, T2 interactions do not involve a transfer of energy but only a change in phase, which leads to a loss of coherence.
T2是“橫向”的鬆弛時間。它是衡量橫向磁化量在一個完全均勻的外部磁場中(圖7)會持續多久。或者說,它是衡量共振質子在90 ° 脈衝保持多久同調或“同相”的進動(旋轉)T2衰減是由於自旋質子之間的磁相互作用發生。不像T1相互作用,T2的相互作用不涉及能量的轉移,但只有在相位改變,從而導致喪失同調(同相)。

T2 relaxation depends on the presence of static internal fields in the substance. These are generally due to protons on larger molecules. These stationary or slowly fluctuating magnetic fields create local regions of increased or decreased magnetic fields, depending on whether the protons align with or against the main magnetic field (as discussed in Fundamentals of MRI – Part I). Local field non-uniformities cause the protons to precess (rotate) at slightly different frequencies. Thus following the 90° pulse, the protons lose coherence and transverse magnetization is lost. This results in both T2* and T2 relaxation.
T2弛豫取決於物質中內磁場作用下。這些通常是由於較大的分子的質子所造成。這些靜止的或緩慢波動磁場產生微觀區域磁場的增加或減少,取決於質子是否順或逆著主磁場。微觀磁場的非均勻性導致質子進動(旋轉)頻率的略微不同。因此90 °脈衝後,質子失去同相而導致橫向磁化減少。這樣的結果產生T2和T2*鬆弛。

When paramagnetic substances are compartmentalized, they cause rapid loss of coherence and have a short T2* and T2. For example, figure 8 illustrates that the magnetization induced inside a deoxygenated red blood cell is greater than in the plasma outside the red cell because the intracellular deoxyhemoglobin is paramagnetic. This compartmentalization of substances with different degrees of induced magnetization leads to magnetic non-uniformity with shortened T2*, causing the free induction decay (FID) to decay more rapidly. Since gradient echo images are essentially rephased FID images, this also leads to signal loss on gradient echo images. Thus acute and early subacute hemorrhage (containing deoxy and intracellular methemoglobin, respectively) appear dark on T2-weighted gradient echo images. The different magnetic field inside and outside red cells results in rapid dephasing of water protons diffusing across the red cell membrane in an acute hematoma with secondary T2-shortening and loss of signal (as seen in figure 9).
當順磁性物質是條塊分割,導致快速失去同調性和有短T2*和T2。例如, 圖8顯示去氧紅血球內的磁化率大於在血漿中而不是紅血球內的磁化率,因為細胞內的去氧血紅蛋白是順磁性。這種物質因不同程度的磁化率而作的細分使磁場不均勻性而導致T2 *縮短,再導致自由感應衰減(FID)更迅速地衰減。更由於梯度回波影像須使FID聚相,這些細微的磁化率變化導致梯度回波影像訊號損失。因此急性和早期的亞急性出血(分別含去氧和細胞內的高鐵血紅蛋白,)梯度回波T2加權圖像上出現暗。紅血球內部和外部感受到的不同磁場導致在急性血腫造成的水質子在紅血球細胞膜擴散形成的快速去相所造成再次的T2縮短和訊號消失(如圖9)。

As the natural motional frequency of the protons increases, T2 relaxation becomes less and less efficient and T2 prolongs. Rapidly fluctuating motions (such as in liquids) average out so there are no significant internal fields and there is a more uniform internal magnetic environment. The hydration-layer water in brain edema has a shorter T1 than bulk phase water like CSF, yet the motion of the protons in brain edema is not so slow that T2 relaxation is efficient, so T2 remains long. This accounts for the intense appearance of the vasogenic edema associated with brain tumors on T2-weighted MR images (figure 10).

s2=s1e(-t/t2) > t2=t ln(s2)/ln(s1) ---t為兩訊號間隔時間

2013年8月22日 星期四


from MRI the basic p58
組織造成T1的作法是proton將他的能量傳送給週圍的lattice,或者是從lattice吸收能量。那麼最有效的能量傳遞是發生在proton的natural motional frequencies(translation, rotation, and vibration)剛好在 larmor frequency (ω0)。而 larmor frequency和磁場強度成比例關係 ω= γB0
而hydrogen proton在1 Tesla的precessional frequency 是42.5MHz. 然而hydrogen proton的natural motional frequency是依照他在組織中的物理因素而定。也就是他和那個原子結合或接近而定。
小的水分子內的hydrogen protons有較高的natural motional frequencies, 而固態的hydrogen protons便是較低的natural motional frequencies。

  • 而水中hydrogen protons的Larmor frequency就比hydrogen高很多。
  • 固態中的hydrogen protons比water proton有較低的natural motional frequencies。故固態hydrogen protons的natural motional frequencies的Larmor frequency就比hydrogen低。
  • 而脂肪中hydrogen protons的Larmor frequency就和hydrogen接近。這是因為終端carbon的 C-C鍵的rotation frequency造成,因為這個頻率接近Larmor頻率, efficiency of energy transfer 從質子到lattice或從lattice到質子的傳遞效率增加,故造成T1降低。

imageJ MRI t2 calculations plugins

偶爾間發現imagej 有一個mri t2 calcuations plugins

This plugin does MRI t2 calculations (s2 = k/ln(s1/s2)) on two images or stacks. For 16-bit images, 32768 is added to the result and a calibration function is added to the image to subtract 32768. It can easily be customized to do a different set of calculations. Outputs to a new 32-bit image/stack, rather than overwriting the second (S2) stack.

這個MRI T2 calculations插件計算(s2 = k/ln(s1/s2))兩個圖像或堆疊。對於16位圖像,32768添加到結果和校準功能被添加到的圖像中減去32768。它可以很容易地進行定客制,以執行一組不同的計算。輸出到一個新的32位圖像/堆疊,而不是覆蓋第二(S2)堆疊。
1 首先將整個image sequence import-->顯示須要兩個影像-->失敗
2.放入其中的im1 im2 預設k為35


2013年8月21日 星期三



來源: 中國CT和MRI雜志 作者:閻玉明 魏 瀏覽: 發布時間:2009-8-19 11:07:00



脂肪肝毫無症狀 定期健檢提早發現

脂肪肝毫無症狀 定期健檢提早發現

  • 中廣新聞 

脂肪肝可說是台灣人最普遍的肝病之一,肝病防治基金會曾對9000個上班族做肝臟超音波檢查發現,罹患脂肪肝的比例高達43%,其中男性上班族更高達49%。另有研究指出,台灣成年人脂肪肝的盛行率約三成,遠高於慢性B型肝炎(15~20%)及慢性C型肝炎(2~6% )。而如果脂肪肝前期沒有控制得當,會引發脂肪肝炎,發炎時間過久就易變成肝硬化,一旦肝硬化後每年有5%-7%患者會產生肝癌。目前透過抽血檢查肝功能、以及腹部超音波,都能掌控肝臟的狀況。

脂肪肝病变分4类 如何预防脂肪肝?

脂肪肝病变分4类 如何预防脂肪肝?



